Cumming Lateral
Cumming, GA
Crew Size
Project Manager
Renee Hand
Jeff Hand
HSE Professional
David Roddam
Work Scope
Installation of approximately 57,000 LF (10.8 miles) of 16” steel
transmission pipeline with a planned MAOP of 720 psig. The pipeline begins with a tie-in at the Hwy 9 Regulator Station and travels north utilizing both road ROW and newly acquired 30’ to 50’ ROW through newly developed residential areas and newly widened roads. It then parallels a power line right-of-way, intersecting county water authority property, and terminating at Spot Road regulator station.
The new pipeline will include 8 HDD crossings and 10 Jack and Bore crossings. Major crossings include SR-9 (x2), Buford Dam Rd, SR-20, Bald Ridge Rd, Pilgrim Mill Rd, Lanier 400 and SR-306. Crews encountered large quantities of rock in HDDs and open cut installations.